
Friday, July 11, 2008

Google SEO Documentation, White Papers and Information

Google over the years has produced a large amount of helpful information that gives us great insight to how their search engine works.

This information includes and is not limited to terms of service details, white papers, discussion groups and blogs.

The following is therefore a list of these resources which mainly focus on SEO, search engine optimization and search engine marketing. This list does not include tool, it is a list of documents that Google has produced (in the main) that provide valuable insights into how Google works.

Using these insights will help you to better understand how search works and give you some very good tips on how to improve rankings.

As Google release more information I will do my best to keep this list up to date. If you find page s in Google I have missed, please email me and I will add them.

Google Blogs & Discussion

Google Webmaster Help Group - A great place to ask any question you may have about Google and your website and SEO.

Google Webmaster Central Blog - If you can’t find it in Google’s TOS or written information this is great place to conduct a search on the exact information you are looking for.

Matt Cutts - Matt Cutts works for Google and blogs about Google updates, algorithms, search engine tips, white hat SEO and a lot more.

Google Help

Google Webmaster Central - Links leading to many of Google’s apps and documents for webmasters.

Google Webmasters Help center – Google webmaster guidelines, tips & FAQ’s.

Google SEO Documents & White Papers

Anatomy Of A Large Scale Hyertextual Web Search Engine - Quoted first paragraph…

“In this paper, we present Google, a prototype of a large-scale search engine which makes heavy use of the structure present in hypertext. Google is designed to crawl and index the Web efficiently and produce much more satisfying search results than existing systems. The prototype with a full text and hyperlink database of at least 24 million pages is available at

The above page is a great place to start in getting your head around the workings of Google and search engines in general.

Google Papers - A list of publications, white papers and texts written by Google employees. A great place to find insights regarding Google algorithms and where they are headed with search.

PageRank - A detailed explanation of PageRank.

Pagerank Explained - An easier, less in depth explanation of PageRank.

Trust Rank - A white paper of how Google may be currently implementing algorithms rules.

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